DeLorean Time Machine
DeLorean Time Machine

Fanhome 1:8 DeLorean Time Machine

Build planner – Where you’ll need my mods


Where the same mod exists in either sticker or transfer form you will see the following stars.
Occasionally the sticker is included in a sticker set or alternatively is available as a separate rub-on transfer.

Standard upgrade (vinyl sticker)

Easy to apply, vastly improves the standard Eaglemoss part and requires little or no preparation.

Advanced upgrade (rub-on transfer)

A premium alternative to my vinyl stickers. They differ in that they transfer specialist self-adhesive inks directly to the surface. This technique has a much more realistic, higher clarity finish compared to stickers, completely flush to the model part with no border edge.

For the journey ahead

This build planner indicates the stages of the Fanhome DeLorean Time Machine build (previously available through Eagelmoss) that each of my mods can be applied – useful to know ahead of tackling your model or progressing too far into the build.

Providing an issue-by-issue guide is designed to help give you a useful overview of all the upgrades and enhancements I currently have available for the DeLorean Time Machine. Also, it’s a great way to look forward to what’s coming up in the build, and to plan ahead for any mods you might want to incorporate into your own model.

Building the dream

Modding your DeLorean Time Machine is of course by no means essential. Fanhome have done a fantastic job in recreating the famous Back to the Future Time Machine in glorious detail.

But as with any partwork model, it’s always possible to take it to the next level. And the beauty of modding is that it also extends your build, giving you even more pleasure from the process. My mods are crafted with passion and dedication to add maximum accuracy and realism to your DeLorean. So, if you’re seeking to boost your model with some extra screen-accurate magic, this build planner shows you exactly where you can make it happen.

Latest DeLorean mods